Monday, February 1, 2010

Current status of: MGH

After a busy summer of checking out a few haunted places and a lot of cemeteries we have currently took a break due to the cold Michigan weather, We would normally expect really cold weather this is time of the year, but the temperature has not been as cold but still cold enough that, we would only want to be outside for like 5-10 minutes, and we need more time then that.

Some things we are doing or about to do are: 1/2 year report, Working on a forum so we can get input from people and find more places to explore, Trying to spread the word of MGH, by all kinds of sites and networks (see below for Mypspace, it serves as our home page), and looking for new places to explore.

Some things you like of missed: The forum is running smoothly (just needs members on there, to share info), We have several videos up on youtube, Myspace hit over 1000 photos uploaded from exploring places both day and night and that MGH is looking to expand to an extent.

Expect a new place to be explored soon, we have been dying to get out and could possibly go out for just one night and take pictures just because we wanna be out there so badly.

Here are the links that will be helpful in connecting with us for our updates and our breaking news:

If you want to find more of our links go to the myspace and there are about 10 links or so that connect to other sites that have MGH info.

Stay tuned for more, If you can ever subscribe for our RSS feel free to. We all have new stuff daily.